Everyone on board has a Career Path – a plan for their future that includes the necessary training, professional, and linguistic abilities to advance. Additional information is available from the on-board HR Officer.
(a) Change of department must be approved and verified in writing by the HR Officer or Head of Department Onboard. Upon presentation of a legitimate document including IPMs, the crew coordinator will transmit the relevant measures to the respective scheduler. You are required to follow the onboard career path which consist of onboard performance monitoring for new post, interviews, and other procedures. Any crew requesting promotion without supporting documentation from onboard will be instructed to get the necessary authorisation during the following contract onboard. Without a legitimate paperwork from aboard, Oceangoers is not permitted to change any position or department for any crew.
(b) Request for promotion
Onboard, promotions are provided based on the staff IPM. Any crew request must be accompanied by verified IPM or official permission from management must be brought on board. Onboard requirements are also considered before promotions are approved by MSC Head Office.